As explained in Wikipedia, Google Panda is a change to Google’s search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. The change aimed to lower the rank of “low-quality sites” or “thin sites“, and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. Google has posted a guidance listed 23 points on creating high-quality sites, It’s all about your website’s quality.
In pre-panda algorithm, a ranking always based on:
[Keyword Relevance] + [Off/On-Page Optimization] = Your Rank [Old Ranking Factors]
With the Google Panda in place, each website has a quality score determined by Google to determine if you have a High-Quality site or a Low-Quality site.
[Quality Score/100] X [Old Ranking Factors] = Your Rank
The impact is so huge where you need to work XXX times harder if you have low-quality site. This means that you need to spend huge efforts in off-page optimization to reach the same ranking.
Next, we shall find out how Google determines a quality score. Based on various resources from the SEO experts, the quality score is set as below:
[Static Elements] X [Quality Checks] X [User Experience] = Quality Score
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Adam is the founder of Adam SEO. He started his SEO journey in 2005 and officially ventured into offering an SEO consultancy service in 2011. He helped numerous companies in Malaysia and Singapore to get targeted traffic and increase their website visibility through SEO marketing.