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How Long Does SEO Take to Work in Malaysia? (Updated 2022)

If you’re like most business owners, you want to see results from your SEO efforts as soon as possible. Unfortunately, SEO is not a quick fix; it’s a long-term strategy that requires time and patience. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how long it typically takes for SEO to start working and some factors influencing the timeline. We’ll also offer tips for impatient business owners who want to see SEO results sooner rather than later!

Search Engine Optimization is Not a Quick Fix

Anyone who has ever tried to improve their website’s search engine ranking knows that it is not a quick or easy process. Although you can do several things to improve your search rankings, such as adding keywords and backlinks, it is essential to remember that SEO is a long-term digital marketing strategy, not a quick fix.

The most successful websites have been actively working on their SEO for months or even years. While taking shortcuts may be tempting, this can do more harm than good in the long run.

Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, and what may have worked last year may not work this year. The best way to archive SEO success is to focus on producing quality content and organically building a strong link profile. This takes time and patience, but it is worth it.

How Long It Typically Takes for SEO to Start Working

man thinking SEO idea

It takes 4-6 months for most businesses to start seeing results from SEO. This time frame includes on- and off-site optimization and the development of new content.

While 4-6 months may seem like a long time to wait for results, it’s important to remember that SEO is an ongoing process. We often see the peak result shows around 6-12 months.

Even after you start seeing results, you’ll need to continue your efforts to maintain those results. However, we do see some aged websites able to rank within 1-2 months after proper on-page optimization and content strategy have been implemented.

Factors that Affect How Long Your SEO Strategy Take to Work

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There are several factors that can affect how long it takes to see results from your SEO strategy. Let’s dive in more here:

1. Keyword targeting and competition

Keyword targeting and competition are two critical factors that can affect the success of your SEO strategy. The former refers to choosing which keywords to target to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). The latter refers to the number of other websites also vying for those top spots.

The more competitive a given keyword is, the longer it will take to achieve results. However, this doesn’t mean that keyword targeting isn’t important. In fact, choosing the right keywords is essential for any SEO campaign.

If you’re unsure which keywords to target, keyword research is a good place to start. This will help you to identify both high-volume and low-competition keywords that are relevant to your business.

2. The age of your website

If your site is brand new, it may be subject to what’s known as the sandbox effect. The sandbox is a mythological space where new websites are kept before they are allowed to rank on Google. The idea is that Google doesn’t want to show its users low-quality websites, so it puts newer sites in this “sandbox” before they can prove themselves.

While there is no official evidence that the sandbox exists, many SEOs believe it’s a real phenomenon. And indeed, some things suggest that Google does treat new websites differently.

For instance, it takes longer for new websites to start ranking for their target keywords. Additionally, new websites often see a spike in rankings after a few months, possibly due to Google’s starting to trust the site more.

If you’re working on an SEO strategy for a new website, you should know that it might take a little longer to start seeing results.

3. Does your website receive penalties from Google?

One of the most significant factors that can affect how long your SEO strategy takes to work is whether or not your website has been hit with manual action or algorithm penalties from Google.

If you have been manually penalized (check if you have manual action in your Google search console), cleaning up your website and getting back in Google’s good graces can take a lot of work. Once you fix all the issues, you must submit a reconsideration request to remove them from the manual action.

And even if you’ve only been hit with an algorithm penalty, it can still take some time to make the necessary changes and see results. Of course, the severity of the penalty will also play a role in how long it takes to recover.

4. Your existing off-page SEO optimization (The backlinks you’ve acquired)

If your existing website has a strong link profile, it will be easier to rank in Google search results. This is the number and quality of the backlinks you have acquired. If you have a strong link profile with inbound links from high-quality websites, your SEO efforts will take less time to start paying off. However, if you have a weak link profile with few links from high-quality websites, it will take longer for your SEO to start working.

Trust is also an essential factor. If Google doesn’t trust your site, it will be harder to rank well. One way to build trust is by following Google’s guidelines on E.A.T., which stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

E.A.T. is a factor that Google takes into account when ranking websites. If your website demonstrates expertise in your field, is seen as authoritative, and is trustworthy, it will take less time for your SEO to start working.

5. Your existing on-page optimization

Another critical factor is the existing state of your on-page optimization. This includes title tags, meta descriptions, and headings on your website. If these are already optimized for your target keywords, then it will take less time for your SEO strategy to start showing results.

On the other hand, if your website has never been optimized for search engines, you will need to spend time optimizing your website. This can include adding title tags, meta descriptions, and headings.

6. The amount of quality content on your website

If you have a lot of high-quality, relevant content, you will gain topical authority, which tells Google that your site is a credible source of information on your chosen topic. This will help your site gain an SEO score and rank higher in search results for your targeted keywords.

On the other hand, if you have little or no quality content on your site, it will be much harder to rank well in search results.

Therefore, it’s essential to make sure you have a good amount of quality content if you wish to rank faster & higher in search results.

7. Your website design, structure and architecture

A well-designed website will be easier for search engines to crawl and index and provide a better user experience, both of which are essential ranking factors.

In addition, a well-structured website will make it easier for users to find the information they are looking for, which can help to increase conversion rates. On the other hand, a poorly designed website can significantly hinder your SEO efforts and can even lead to search engines penalizing your site.

As such, it is essential to ensure that your website is designed and structured to support your SEO strategy.

8. Technical issues with the website

One crucial factor that can affect how long your SEO strategy takes to work is technical SEO issues with your website. If your website is not set up correctly for search engines to crawl and index it, your efforts to improve your SEO will be in vain.

In addition, if your website is slow or difficult to navigate, users are likely to click away before they even have a chance to see your great content. Technical issues can also make it difficult for search engines to understand what your website is about, which can impact your ranking in search results.

Therefore, making sure your website is technically sound before you begin implementing any SEO strategies is essential.

9. How much you’re willing to spend

Development of an effective SEO strategy is a process that takes time, effort, and – most importantly – money. The amount of money you’re willing to spend on your SEO campaign will directly impact how long it takes for your strategy to start bearing fruit.

If you have a limited budget, you may need to be more patient as you won’t be able to make as many changes, using premium SEO tools (speed up SEO work) or hire as much help as you would if you had a larger budget.

However, even a tiny budget can be used effectively if you’re strategically spending your money. For example, spending a little extra on keyword research can help you focus your efforts on the most effective keywords, saving you time and money in the long run.

Generally, the more flexible you are with your budget, your SEO strategy will likely work faster.

SEO Tips for Impatient Business Owners

alice working on page optimization

If you’re an impatient business owner who wants to start seeing results from your new website as soon as possible, a few SEO tips can help you achieve your goals.

1. Started with an aged domain if you are setting up a new website

The first tip is to look for an aged domain that already has high-quality backlinks and is relevant to your target keywords. These will help your site skip the Google sandbox and get ranked faster.

Another good tip is to choose a domain name that includes your target keyword. This will give your site a boost in relevancy, which can lead to faster and better rankings.

2. Do keyword research focus on long tail keywords

Keyword research is a crucial first step in any SEO campaign. But instead of going after the most popular keywords, which will be highly competitive, focus on long tail keywords. These are longer, more specific phrases that are less competitive and easier to rank for.

For example, if you sell shoes, a long tail keyword might be “women’s size 8 black leather pumps.” While it may not get as much traffic as “shoes,” it’s easier to rank for and will help you get targeted traffic that is more likely to convert.

By targeting long tail keywords, you can start driving organic traffic to your site quickly and gain the trust of Google. Once your website ranks well in long tail keywords, Google will begin ranking more higher competition keywords.

3. Publish high-quality content with proper on-page optimization

Make sure you publish high-quality content on your website that covers all the long tail keywords. This includes blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and more. Not only does this content need to be well-written and informative, but it also needs to be correctly optimized for search engines and users.

This means including relevant keywords throughout your content and ensuring that your website’s design is user-friendly and easy to navigate.

4. Invest in off-page optimization

Investing in off-page optimization is a great way to attract high-quality links from other websites. Guest posting on relevant blogs and sponsoring a post on popular websites are effective means of building links. In addition, guest posting allows you to share your expert knowledge with a wider audience, which can help make your brand and reputation.

The other effective way to do this is through editorial links. These links are editorially placed on other high authority websites and usually reflect a positive endorsement of your business or website.

To get editorial links, you need to focus on creating high-quality content that other website owners will want to link to. This can be anything from informative blog posts to helpful infographics or well-written product descriptions.

As long as it’s valuable and relevant, there’s a good chance other website owners will want to link to it. This not only brings referral traffic but also increases your website’s domain authority.

5. Consider acquiring the same niche high authority aged domains

You can consider acquiring high-authority-aged domains in the same niche as your website. By doing 301 redirects from these domains to your site, you can quickly increase your domain authority and trust, which will help your website to rank higher on search engine results pages.

Acquired domains can also provide a valuable source of backlinks, another important ranking factor. However, you must be careful when doing this as it may not always work as you want it to. And, you will lose the money you invested in an aged domain name if it is not done correctly.


Does SEO work immediately?

Unfortunately, SEO doesn’t work immediately. It can take months or even years to see the fruits of your work. However, if you focus on long tail keywords and invest in both on-page and off-page optimization, you will start seeing results more quickly.

How long does it take for a website to rank in Google Malaysia?

Generally speaking, it takes 3-6 months for a new website to appear in Google’s Malaysia search results. However, it’s important to note that this is just an average – some sites may take longer to rank, while others may achieve results more quickly.

The time it takes for a website to rank in Google Malaysia can vary depending on several factors, such as the competition for the keywords you’re targeting, the age and authority of your site, and whether you’re using any shortcuts (such as aged domain).

Is SEO still relevant in 2022?

Yes, SEO is still relevant in 2022. While the specifics may change over time – for example, Google’s algorithm updates – the basic SEO principles will remain the same. If you want your website to rank well on search engine results pages, you must focus on creating high-quality, keyword-rich content and building links from other websites.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, there is no definite answer to how long SEO takes to work. It all depends on the individual website and the goals you are hoping to achieve. However, you can start seeing results within a few months by focusing on long tail keywords and investing in both on-page and off-page optimization.

If you are impatient, consider the shortcut mentioned above of acquiring an aged domain. But be warned, this may not always work as planned and could result in losing the money you invested.

Whatever route you decide to take, remember that SEO is a long-term strategy and results will not happen overnight. So, be patient and keep at it! You’ll see the rewards eventually.

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About the Author Adam

Adam is the founder of Adam SEO. He started his SEO journey in 2005 and officially ventured into offering an SEO consultancy service in 2011. He helped numerous companies in Malaysia and Singapore to get targeted traffic and increase their website visibility through SEO marketing.

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